Lawrence is an octave fuzz based on the famous Foxx Tone Machine, though provides a completely different character compared to most of it's siblings. Not lacking a decent low end, it’s character stands out within an emphasized low-midrange. It’s gain structure is tight, extremely dense with coarse grain and a tint of synth-like character. If you play bass guitar, it's ok but i recommend Doppel fuzz instead for its extra low end and higher clarity in low gain settings.
Octave mode yields in a classic, slinky, screaming high octave tone. Lawrence not only has a octave on/off footswitch, it also has a octave level knob. With pot set to maximum it brings a traditional octave fuzz tone, but you may want to blend just some of the octave effect to your basic tone to unveil absolutely original character. There it shines.
Circuit is tuned to roll of high frequencies what yields in a thick fuzz character. Sustain knob sets compression level and pressure of the distortion, letting remaining high freqs come forth when turned up to retain clarity at high gain setting, while low sustain settings delivers kinda sluggish, warm and soft purr.
Timbre knob lets you to acquire some sharpness or tame the bite, but won’t go nowhere out of a reasonable range, because its total character is distinctly midrange oriented.
Volume knob is set to have a some boost available with gain at minimum or to blast with it’s full fuzz potential.
Please note: to keep superfluous plastics production as low as possible, all my pedals come without battery clip unless you need it.