i'm juliusz and i make blue colander stompboxes in poznań, poland. sticked with classic fuzz circuits, bc's boxes are translated into hardline devices with reasonable functionality and high end sound quality, suitable for both retro tunes and modern heavy stuff. no middle-grounds here, bc is a serious thing for serious tone.
each unit is made with heavy duty mechanical parts and high quality audio components, carefully tuned to fulfill best tone requirements. i shit you not, i do it right.
all serial models are suitable for both guitar and bass instruments. i tried my mandolin through them too and lawrence then brought me tears of happiness.
all serial models use boss-standard negative center 9VDC wall adapter. optional battery clip is provided if this option is chosen.
lifetime warranty for labor and electronics parts and 2 weeks try out money back guarantee (does not apply to shipping cost).
feel free to contact if you've got some custom work in mind.
check bluecolanderstompboxes at instagram for news and custom works too.