Each Komet amplifier is meticulously hand built in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.A. The greatest attention to detail is given to each product before it leaves our shop.
All of our transformers are of a custom proprietary design, and are also 100% made in the USA. Each amplifier is hand wired with silver tinned Teflon wire on glass-epoxy tag boards. Our chassis are laser cut, welded aluminum — chosen for superior tonal response.
We use 2 Watt, military grade potentiometers and assemble all of our amplifiers with stainless steel screws and bolts. Our control panels, capacitors and switches are of the absolute highest in quality. These are just a few of the details you’ll find in every single Komet amplifier.
NAUTILUS EFFECTS SYSTEMS is extremely proud and fortunate to be the exclusive suppler for KOMET AMPLIFIERS in Australia.